lunes, 12 de julio de 2021

Welcome back

Welcome again to classes. I hope you come back with a higher and better expectation of what we can accomplish together as professionals.

I would like to start by mentioning that we need English teachers committed not only to teach English but also enthusiastic in the promotion of values.

Remember that every single moment of your mediation, no matter if it is face-to-face or distance one, we have to emphasize the development of the different skills and tasks. To get this done, keep in mind that Self-study guides or GTAs should be short, precise, and concise. The core of these guides is that students get more than just content.

To be successful make sure to initiate your teaching process with a little dose of motivation through a quote that inspires your students.

Present the objectives of your class to your students in a precise manner. Introduce the language forms they need. Give them a clear example of the expected outcome and guide them to achieve the goals. 

Finally, considering the circular letter DM-0021-2021 the National test would take place on the following dates:

0ctober 4  to 29, 2021. 

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