We are getting ready for Christmas and New Year's eve. Perhaps, some of us start worrying about our accomplishments. We can even come with vain justifications for those mistakes that did not help us fulfilling our goals. We forget the great potential given to us. Today, I want to share the image below to drive you to think about some of the reasons that do not allow us to fulfill our dreams, despite, we have the same amount of time and talents that many famous or prestigious people got?
Let's consider the first reason, disciple.
We need to discipline to get up every day with the desire and hunger to make our dreams come true.
The second important reason is motivation.
Maintain your motivation. Your desire to foster your dreams must be the fuel to spark the inner stimulus in your life,
The third reason is to stay focused.
These days, it is easy to get out of focus. Your job is not to keep your sight away from your dreams.
What are you going to do with the time given to you?
Buenas . Mi nombre es Bernardo Artola. Soy profesor de inglés en dos escuelas. Quería hacerle una consulta. Una de las escuelas me ofrece que de lecciones a kinder garden. 5 lecciones más. Mi pregunta es: Puedo ? y la segunda es. ya con estas serían 50 lecciones. ya que tengo 30 en una escuela y 15 en la otra con kinder serían 5 más. No hay problema en esto? estaré atento a su respuesta. gracias
ResponderEliminarMil disculpas por este medio para preguntar. pero no se su número de cell. gracias.